Podcast: Trek Untold

“Trek Untold” is the Star Trek podcast that goes beyond the stars! This show features guests including character actors, stunt performers, directors, writers, VFX artists, and the behind-the-scenes people who make the Star Trek universe boldly go where no sci-fi franchise has gone before.

The Trek Untold podcast is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise

Kavi Raz is Engineering A Future for South Asian Filmmakers

Kavi Raz only appeared once in Star Trek history, but his story beyond this sci-fi franchise is what makes him truly fascinating.  Kavi appeared as Lt. Jg. Singh from the Star Trek TNG episode “Lonely Among Us,” but his humble beginnings make his trip to the stars even more exciting. We learn about the journey that…

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Making the Sounds of Star Trek with Alan Howarth

Alan Howarth calls himself a “Sonic composer,” a cool but very accurate title for the contributions he’s made to cinema. Howarth is responsible for the sound design for many of the visual effects and hardware heard in the Star Trek movies, as well as composing films across all of Hollywood.  Alan takes us on his…

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Deborah Levin is Having the Time of her Life

Deborah Levin appeared three times on “Star Trek: Voyager” as Ensign Lang in the episodes “Blood Fever,” Displaced,” and “Year of Hell,” but her career has some other fun Star Trek connections throughout it. Deborah explains how she found her way into acting and Hollywood, her longtime friendship with Harlan Ellison, a heartwarming story about her hilarious…

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Brad Zerbst Zooms In and Beams Up

Brad Zerbst had one of those “blink and miss him” roles in Star Trek TNG, appearing as a medical officer in three episodes from season one – “Justice,” “Heart of Glory,” and “Skin of Evil.” But Starfleet wasn’t all it was cracked up to be for Brad, and he shifted his focus to something else…

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Robb Pearlman Writes Star Trek Books for Kids and The Young at Heart

Robb Pearlman is a professional writer and author of dozens of books, including Star Trek titles like “Fun with Kirk and Spock,” Redshirt’s Little Book of Doom,” Star Trek: Prodigy: Supernova,” “Starfleet Is…” and many more. He’s also got other nerdy titles for children and adults under his belt, with more on the way! Robb tells us how…

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David Frankham Remembers the Hollywood of Yesterday

David Frankham played Larry Marvick in the “Star Trek” season three episode, “Is There In Truth No Beauty?” but his extensive resume traces all the way back to the 1940s. Mr. Frankham, who is the oldest guest to appear on this podcast at 97 years young, has seen it all and has tons of amazing tales…

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Leslie Hoffman: Double or Nothing with Stunts

Leslie Hoffman was a stunt woman on “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine” and “Star Trek: Voyager,” where she also doubled for Roxann Dawson as B’Elanna Torres. She’s also the only female stunt coordinator in Star Trek history, so you can imagine she’s got loads of stories to tell!  Leslie explains how she got started in the stunt business, her…

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How to Succeed in Business Through a Star Trek Lens, with Jeff Akin

Jeff Akin hosts the Starfleet Leadership Academy Podcast, a show where he takes his 20+ years of experience in the business sector and examines the principles that make great managers through the lens of Star Trek. Jeff chats with us about how he discovered podcasting and how he connected the business world to Star Trek,…

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Concetta Tomei, from “China Beach” to the Delta Quadrant

Concetta Tomei played Minister Odala in the third season “Star Trek: Voyager” episode, “Distant Origins,” but her stories in acting are a little closer to home. In this uplifting, informative, and inspiring episode, Concetta explains why she left teaching to follow her dream as an actress, memories of her first professional gig in “The Elephant…

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Clint Howard: Past Tense, Present, and Future

Clint Howard is the only actor to appear in every era of Star Trek on TV and is one of the most recognizable character actors in all of Hollywood! He’s accomplished plenty and been through some tough times, but today, his perspective on his life and career has never been more positive. Besides Clint’s 250+…

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